Have you ever felt like nothing you do turns out right? I remember a time when I was thrilled about a hiking trip to Yosemite National Park. Growing up in the mountainous terrains of Bluffton made me think an 8 mile hike up a mountain would be a breeze. My excitement began to wane halfway through, and doubt crept in. At one point, I half-jokingly told myself I should have written my will before starting this adventure. Then, spotting what seemed like a "shortcut" on the map, I thought, "Why not?" I did not fully grasp the challenge that lay ahead. My casual map checks turned into frantic glances every few steps. Stranded on this "shortcut," I hoped for a glimpse of a trail. My heart raced, not from fatigue but from the realization that I had veered off the main path alone. My goal shifted; I no longer sought a shortcut but the way back to the path. Upon finding it, I breathed a prayer of thanks to Jesus and reminded myself, "You've got a family with five girls; let's start using that thing between your ears."
This misadventure reminds me of Peter, a disciple of Jesus, known for acting hastily, sometimes without full consideration. Reflect on the time Peter, full of faith, stepped out of the boat to walk on water towards Jesus. Matthew 14:29-31 reads, “And he said, Come. And when Peter had come down out of the ship, he walked on the water, to go to Jesus. But when he saw the wind boisterous, he was afraid; and beginning to sink, he cried out, Lord, save me. And Immediately Jesus stretched forth his hand, caught him, and said unto him, O thou of little faith, wherefore didst thou doubt?
This narrative may resonate with many of us. We set out on new adventures, full of optimism, only to falter when confronted with hurdles, like Peter when he shifted his focus from Jesus to the storm. Yet, Peter's story didn't conclude with his descent, nor does ours have to end with us lost on a mistaken detour. Peter transformed into a steadfast leader, illustrating an essential lesson, a stumble is not the conclusion, provided we extend our hand to Jesus, who is always ready to grasp it.
In pursuing our aspirations, we might be enticed by shortcuts offering an easier route, which ultimately leads us astray. These diversions, however appealing, can distract us from our true path. Yet, with unwavering faith in Jesus as our guide and the Bible as our compass, we can overcome these obstacles, emerge stronger, and perhaps inspire others on their spiritual journeys.
Let's take notice of the words of James 1:12: " Blessed is the man that endureth temptation: for when he is tried, he shall receive the crown of life, which the Lord hath promised to them that love him." This passage reassures us that our struggles serve a purpose. They test and fortify our faith, guiding us towards the life God has promised. Let's move forward, fearless in the face of daunting ascents or errant paths, for our navigation is under the unwavering guidance of Jesus, the sole pathway to our destination.