At Ebenezer, we strive to help you get connected to the areas that matter most to you. No matter your stage of life, there’s a ministry we’d like to connect you with!

Our Ministries
Children’s Ministries
At Ebenezer, the purpose in Children’s Ministries is to Reach, Teach, and Care for church family and friends. Many children participate each week in the various classes and age-appropriate activities that are developed around this purpose.
Prayer Ministry
The mission of the prayer ministry at Ebenezer Mennonite Church is to motivate and teach persons to pray and to provide prayer opportunities, all under the inspiration of the Holy Spirit and resulting in a deepening of our dependence on God, the strengthening of relationships within the body, and the permeating of our community with the message of Jesus Christ.
Sunday Mornings
Join us each Sunday morning. Sunday School and Adult Bible Fellowship begins at 9:00am followed by Sunday Worship Service at 10:15 am.
Student Ministries
Student ministries are made up of 6th grade through college age individuals. Click to learn more about the different opportunities available for this age group.
Women’s Ministry
Women’s Ministries at Ebenezer wants to encourage you through life’s Journey! It is our prayer that we can strengthen and encourage each other by sharing our challenges, experiences, and testimonies through Bible Study and conversation, and also reaching out to women of our community.