Women’s Ministries
Women’s Ministries at Ebenezer wants to encourage you through your life’s Journey! Our mission is to serve the needs of the ladies in our church…no matter what stage of the journey they are on. It is our prayer that we can strengthen and encourage each other by sharing our challenges, experiences, and testimonies through Bible Study and conversation, and also reaching out to women of our community.
Mystery Dinner
It’s called a Mystery Dinner because the location of dinner for the evening is a surprise! All you have to do is RSVP, show up at church, and ride to the restaurant to eat. It is a wonderful time to get to know ladies that you have seen, but maybe not gotten a chance to chat with. It’s also an easy way to invite a friend to a “church” event! Always on the fourth Thursday of the month.
Evening/All Day Sew
Can you tie a knot? Do you like to chat while you work? Then you have all the skills you need to come and help put together quilts for missionaries and others in need! All you have to do is tie knots!
Meet the Team
President-Lisa Shadle
Member at Large - Angela Carman, Adrienne Gossard, Jammie Halker, Emily Koogler, & Lily Shadle
Funeral Meal Coordinator - Patty Geiger
Kitchen Coordinator - Bart & Joy Moser
Sewing Coordinators - Patty Geiger, Jan Althaus, Sue Epp, & Joy Moser
We would love to hear from the women in the church - please click to complete the survey!