Sundays at Ebenezer

Our Worship Service begins at 10:15 a.m. in the Crossroads Ministry Center. Each week we have live music, prayer, and a sermon brought by one of our pastors. We also provide free coffee!

Sundays begin at 9:00 a.m. with Sunday School classes offered for age two through high school. Children age two through fifth grade have check in located in the Sanctuary. Middle School Sunday School is located in the upstairs of the Crossroads Ministry Center. High School Sunday School is located in the Schoolhouse across the road from the church. Scroll down to see the adult classes we offer on Sunday mornings.

Our nursery is offered from the beginning of Sunday School through the end of the worship service for children younger than two. Check in for the Nursery is located in the Missions Center.

Adult Bible Studies

College/Young Adult Class

Teacher: Jim “Train” King

Location: Library

The College/Young Adult class is studying the book of Isaiah.


Teacher: Jaden August & Job Halker

Location: Fellowship Hall

The Genesis class is for Young Families to Median Adults that is going through a series on apologetics, or the justification and defense of the Christian faith.

Berean Class

Teacher: Pastor Dick Potter

Location: Rooms 118 & 119

The Berean class is a Senior Adult class that is currently studying The Gospel Project: Creation to Covenant.


Teacher: Milo Luginbuhl

Location: Conference Room

Maranatha is for Median Adults to Empty Nesters and is currently studying The Gospel Project: Creation to Covenant


Teacher: Tim Gallant

Location: Gym

Rooted is an adult class that is currently studying the book of Exodus as it points to Easter.

After Adult Bible Study and Sunday School, our Worship Service starts at 10:15 am, with Children’s Church starting at 10:00 in the basement for age 2 through Kindergarten.

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