Online Services
Visit our youtube channel for all sermon videos.
Journey to the Cross - Easter 2025
March 23, 2025- The Good Shepherd - Pastor David Glick
Other Sermons
March 16, 2025- The Measure of a Church- Pastor Roger Ford
November 24, 2024- Eternal Gratitude- Pastor David Glick
November 17, 2024- You There! - Pastor Jim King
November 10, 2024- Everywhere to Everywhere- Jared Diller
November 3, 2024- Everywhere to Everywhere- David Drury
March 31, 2024- Risen: Just as He Said- Pastor Nick Ringger
October 27, 2024- Give, Pray, and Go- Romans 10:1-17- Pastor David Glick
December 24, 2023- The Bond of Birth and Glory- Pastor Nick Ringger
December 17, 2023- Is Jesus Your Savior?- Pastor David Glick
November 12, 2023- Anchored to the Rock- Mariya Tatarin
December 10, 2023- Is Baby Jesus God?- Pastor Nick Ringger
November 5, 2023- Anchored to the Rock- Paul Windsor
October 22, 2023- Who Is My Neighbor?- Pastor David Glick
The Book of James - A Transformed Heart
March 9, 2025- God, Are You There? -James 5:7-20 - Pastor David Glick
March 2, 2025- Stewarding Treasures -James 5:1-6 - Pastor David Glick
February 23, 2025- My Pride -James 4:1-17 - Pastor David Glick
February 16, 2025- Wisdom & Righteousness -James 3:13-18 - Jaden August
February 9, 2025- The Power of Words -James 3:1-12 - Pastor David Glick
February 2, 2025- A Living and Active Faith -James 2:14-26 - Pastor David Glick
January 26, 2025- The Royal Law & Me -James 2:1-13 - Pastor David Glick
January 19, 2025- Combatting Deceit -James 1:19-27 - Tim Gallant
January 12, 2025- Our Confident Hope -James 1:9-18 - Pastor David Glick
January 5, 2025- God, Life is Really Hard Right Now!- James 1:1-8 - Pastor David Glick
Advent Series- 2024
December 29, 2024- A Weary World Rejoices- Consolation and Redemption- Pastor Dick Potter
December 22, 2024- A Weary World Rejoices- Pastor David Glick
December 15, 2024- A Weary World Rejoices- Joy- Pastor David Glick
December 8, 2024- A Weary World Rejoices- Peace- Pastor David Glick
December 1, 2024- A Weary World Rejoices- Pastor David Glick
The Book of Acts - A Sermon Series
October 120, 2024- The Expansion of the Gospel- Acts 16-18- Pastor Nick Ringger
October 13, 2024- Law, Liberty & Responsibility- Acts 15- Pastor Nick Ringger
October 6, 2024- Prayer and the Providence of God- Acts 12-14- Pastor Nick Ringger
September 29, 2024- Welcome to the Table- Acts 10-11- Pastor Nick Ringger
September 22, 2024- Expanding Family & Community- Acts 8-9- Pastor Nick Ringger
September 15, 2024- Divine Affirmation & the Beginnings of Persecution- Acts 5-7- Pastor Nick Ringger
September 8, 2024- Jesus: Our Cornerstone- Acts 3 & 4- Pastor Nick Ringger
September 1, 2024- Bringing Faith to Life- Acts 1 & 2- Pastor Nick Ringger
Parables - A Sermon Series
August 25, 2024- The Good Samaritan- Pastor David Glick
August 18, 2024- The Rich Fool- Pastor Nick Ringger
August 11, 2024- Parable of the Persistent Widow- Pastor David Glick
August 4, 2024- Parable of the Wheat and Weeds- Pastor Nick Ringger
July 28, 2024- Parable of the Barren Fig Tree- Pastor David Glick
July 21, 2024- Parable of the Four Soils- Pastor Nick Ringger
July 14, 2024- A Mission for All- Pastor David Glick
July 7, 2024- Wise and Foolish Builders- Pastor Nick Ringger
Sermon Series- The Book of Ephesians
June 30, 2024- The Whole Armor of God- Pastor Nick Ringger
June 23, 2024- A Call to Combat- Pastor Nick Ringger
June 16, 2024- Walking in Wisdom : Child/Parent Relationships- Pastor Nick Ringger
June 2, 2024- Walk in Wisdom - Pastor Nick Ringger
May 26, 2024- Walk in Wisdom - Pastor Nick Ringger
May 19, 2024- Walk in Wisdom - Pastor Nick Ringger
May 12, 2024- Walk in Light - Pastor Nick Ringger
May 5, 2024- Walk in Light - Pastor Nick Ringger
April 28, 2024- Walk in Love - Pastor Nick Ringger
April 21, 2024- Walk in a Manner Worthy of Our Calling - Pastor Nick Ringger
April 14, 2024- Walk in a Manner Worthy of Our Calling - Pastor Nick Ringger
April 7,, 2024- Walk in a Manner Worthy of Our Calling - Pastor Nick Ringger
March 17, 2024- Gifts with the Purpose of Unity - Pastor Nick Ringger
March 10, 2024- The Walk of the Blessed- Pastor Nick Ringger
March 3,, 2024- How to Walk Worthy of Your Calling- Pastor David Glick
February 25, 2024- To Us Strength, To Him Unending Glory- Pastor Nick Ringger
February 18, 2024- Christ’s Dwelling Place- Pastor Nick Ringger
February 11, 2024- Antidote to Discouragement- Pastor Nick Ringger
February 4, 2024- The Mystery of the Ages- Pastor Nick Ringger
January 28, 2024- Trinity Builders- Pastor Nick Ringger
January 21, 2024- From War to Peace- Pastor Nick Ringger
January 14, 2024- From Far to Near- Pastor Nick Ringger
January 7, 2024- God’s Workmanship and His Good Works- Pastor Nick Ringger
December 31, 2023- Looking Back and Looking Forward- Pastor Nick Ringger
December 3, 2023- We are His… and He is Ours- Pastor Nick Ringger
November 26, 2023- Sealed with the Promised Holy Spirit- Pastor Nick Ringger
November 19, 2023- Blessings in Christ Jesus- Pastor Nick Ringger
October 29, 2023- The Deep & Incomprehensible Blessings of God- Pastor Nick Ringger-
October 15, 2023- Blessings in the Heavenly Places- Pastor Nick Ringger-
Sermon Series- Doctrines of the Church
October 8, 2023- Doctrine- Membership- Pastor Nick Ringger
October 1, 2023- Doctrine- Ordinances- Pastor Nick Ringger
September 24, 2023- Doctrine- End Times- Pastor Nick Ringger
September 17, 2023- Doctrine- Sin, Salvation & Commission- Pastor David Glick
September 10, 2023- Doctrine- Creation & Design- Pastor Nick Ringger
September 3, 2023- Doctrine- Godhead- Pastor Nick Ringger
Sermon Series- Summer of Proverbs
August 20, 2023- God-Awareness & Self-Awareness- Pastor Nick Ringger
August 13, 2023- Wisdom for Families- Pastor Nick Ringger
August 6, 2023- Friends, Enemies, and Neighbors- Pastor Nick Ringger
July 30, 2023- Wisdom By Comparisons- Pastor Nick Ringger
July 23, 2023- What Is Your Life Anchored To?- Pastor David Glick
July 16, 2023- The Weight of our Words- Pastor Nick Ringger
July 9, 2023- Lions and Tigers and Bears…Oh My!- Pastor Nick Ringger
July 2, 2023- Trust in the Lord- Pastor Nick Ringger
June 25, 2023- The Path of Wisdom- Pastor Nick Ringger
June 18, 2023- Introduction to Proverbs- Pastor Nick Ringger