What happened on the cross?

Written by Jaden August

What happened on the cross? What did Jesus accomplish? 

Jesus’ entire life on earth was in preparation for the day of his crucifixion. Jesus came “to seek and save that which is lost” (Luke 19:10)  He came as a babe, lived a sinless life, and eventually gave his life as a sacrifice so that we can have forgiveness. But what do we need forgiveness from? The bible tells us that all have sinned are separate from God. “For all have sinned and fallen short of the Glory of God” (Romans 3:23). Before we knew Christ, we were not only separate from God but the wrath of God was upon us and we were destined for eternal separation from him. Sin is the barrier between us and a relationship with God. We are not able to remove this barrier, but Jesus was able to and he did. This is what he accomplished on the cross through his crucifixion. When we were not able to offer an acceptable sacrifice for our sin, Jesus offered his body in our place. “He himself bore our sins” in his body on the cross, so that we might die to sins and live for righteousness; “by his wounds you have been healed.” (1 Peter 2:24) Jesus took our place so that we can have forgiveness and be in relationship with God the Father. We can be fully forgiven and accepted because of the death of Jesus christ. How are we forgiven? We are forgiven by simply believing in this message. When we believe in the person and work of Jesus our sins are forgiven and Jesus’ righteousness is given to us so when God looks upon us, he sees us as righteous. I want to encourage you today to believe in the work of Jesus so you too can be forgiven and begin a relationship with God the Father today.


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