Upcoming Opportunites

A first step in getting involved in missions abroad is to participate in a short term trip. These opportunities normally last between 1-2 weeks and involve a smaller financial obligation to participate. Look at the opportunities below to see how your gifts and passions could be used around the world or right here in the United States.

Operation Christmas Child Service Trip

Volunteers are needed for a service trip with Samaritan’s Purse to Charlotte, NC, December 9-14.  The focus of the trip will be to assist with the preparation of the shoeboxes. Contact Crystal Hanna for more information.

High School Mission Trip

High School Students and Leaders will be traveling to Guatemala from June 21-27 to assist with local church ministry, a vacation bible school, and community outreach. For more information, please contact Jonnathan or Pastor David.

Middle School Mission Trip

Middle School Students and Leaders will be serving at Stowe Mission of Central Ohio. The focus of the service trip will be to assist with community outreach, a vacation bible school, and other inner-city mission opportunities. The dates of the trip have yet to be set, but contact Jonnathan or Pastor David for more information.